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Cargo: The Quest for Gravity Demo

Добавил: The DSystem
2011-05-19 22:05:00
31 просмотр
This little gem scarcely weighs 800 MB, and will take adventurous travelers to the beautiful, autumnal island archipelago formerly known as “Earth”. This sumptuously colored season provides an ideal setting in which to test the weird yet endearing atmosphere of Cargo! – The Quest for Gravity with no commitment. This action adventure is already available on STEAM priced €19.99 (RRP) and, besides a tough little protagonist, has an overrated captain, a vast array of vehicles of all kinds and also those who have been chosen as replacements for humans: small, cheerful beings whose egotism and lack of humor are totally alien. They also love taking risks and receiving a hefty kick in the behind.
Anyone who would like a glimpse into this extraordinary game called Cargo! – The Quest for Gravity can now access the demo.
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736.1 MB
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