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Lucius - Gamescom 2011 Trailer

Добавил: The DSystem
2011-08-17 00:08:00
24 просмотра

Lucius is the son of the devil who has to clear the mansion of it’s residents. To do this he must orcastrate “accidents” without anyone suspecting him of any foul play. The player starts as Lucius and must cleverly devise these incidents from simple household items. Every time he succeeds he will gain supernatural powers to help him take full control.

His growing supernatural powers may be used in various ways. He will eventually become able to control objects and people with mind power, move objects around without touching them. Lucius even has the incredible mind power to dictate weak people into causing destruction and pain.
You hear a creaky tricycle riding in the night. A small boy is in deep thought plotting his next mansion massacre. His name is LUCIUS.
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