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Всего материалов:  277

Quake mod Painkeep v2.0 beta

Добавил: The DSystem
34 просмотра
more over-rides than you can shake a stick at - full install - read txt files in archive for full details. See the quick_start_guide for some quick fun. Read disclaimer.txt first. Have fun.

Quake mod SuperDuper Quake 2.6 Patch

Добавил: The DSystem
33 просмотра
SuperDuper DMSP Quake 2.5 More fun than a barrel of exploding monkey gibs! by Bondo 100+ MAPS, 50 WEAPONS, 18 PLAYER SKINS, 30 MONSTERS, AND FIVE NEW AND/OR IMPROVED POWERUPS. JOIN US. STORY (See also BRIEFING.TXT) Quake has launched an all-out mega

Fallout 2 start map and BB maps

Добавил: The DSystem
30 просмотров
Here is the start map and I put all the BB maps in here too.

Fallout 2 QW Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
39 просмотров
All the files needed to run the Quake mod. Requires FTE 2770

EZQuake version 1.2

Добавил: The DSystem
24 просмотра
EZQuake is a Quake 1 modification created specifically for deathmatch. EZQuake supports bots, custom deathmatches, classes, maps, and a slew of new weapons.


Добавил: The DSystem
55 просмотров
REQUIRES: A shareware or registered version of Quake work on any expansion pack!

Fitzquake v0.85

Добавил: The DSystem
29 просмотров
The latest version is 0.85. New in this version: increased map and protocol limits (can load all known limit-breaking maps,) model interpolation, per-entity alpha support, new network protocol, more external texture support, hardware compatibility im

STD Quake Alpha

Добавил: The DSystem
15 просмотров
Unzip to your superduper quake directory. This patch disables mouselook in autoexec.cfg. the fov in the screenshot is 120. You will need super duper quake installed to run this. Unzip this archive to your super duper quake directory and execute th

STD Quake Alpha Zero

Добавил: The DSystem
18 просмотров
This is an ALPHA only. I plan to implement classes, bots, new monsters, new weapons, v_weap player models and maybe another map. This release has one map, and is basically dmsp with a top down fixed chasecam. The view is borked when you use the conso

SuperDuper Quake v1.85 Patch

Добавил: The DSystem
20 просмотров
A patch updating SuperDuper Quake from v1.70 to v1.85. This patch includes the pigtank, flying pig car, lizard captain, Overlord, and the Alien Queen. There is also a new weapon, a double plasma cannon. 2009-01-21 Added the Alien Queen and Alien

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Всего материалов:  277